Managing Your Views

When you click on Define from the Views menu, the Views dialog is displayed. It lists the defined views in the Views List and provides buttons for adding views, removing views, and managing the list. The function of each button is described next.

Add Adds the view, which you have named in the View Name field, to the list of views.

Remove Deletes the currently highlighted view from the View List.

Move Up Moves the currently highlighted view up one position in the list creating a corresponding change to the menu and CTRL+ n order.

Move Down Moves the currently highlighted view down one position in the list creating a corresponding change to the menu and CTRL+ n order.

Rename Renames the currently selected view to the name you have typed into the View Name field.

Set View Sets the highlighted name in the View list to the portion of the model currently visible in the Layout window.

View Name This is the field where you type the name of the view you wish to add.

Show View Checking this box will cause your views to be displayed in the Layout window as you select them in the list.